The official launch of the Divine Hope Health Center project on January 6th, 2024, paved the way for the groundbreaking and foundation laying. We have completed the foundation’s digging and started setting the initial blocks and constructing pillars for the health center building. Though we still have a long way to go in the project, we are excited about the progress we have made so far, thanks to the donations of our Divine Hope Mission friends and supporters.

You can make your donation online by visiting https://divinehopemission.com/donate/.
You can also send a check payable to Divine Hope Mission,
50 Church St. Collinsville, Connecticut 06019
Set up regular payments through your bank Bill Pay System.
You can also provide greater support through donations of publicly traded stock or appreciated securities, which may benefit you as a donor while allowing you to assist us in a more significant way. Please get in touch with us for assistance with making a non-cash gift. (Phone: 860-209-1215; Email: info@divinehopemission.com)
Participate in your employer’s matching gift program and request your employer to match your donation.
Include Divine Hope Mission in your will, bequests, and estate plan to make a lasting impact.